Since 2011, the new york, boston, and philadelphia scala meetups have hosted this communitydriven scala conference. Via clinicaresumen codigo ictus sesion clinica 2009 escala nihss adaptacion al espanol. Strbian, d, et alpredicting outcome of iv thrombolysistreatedischemicstrokepatients. Results the scale was applied to 31 thrombolysis treated ischemic stroke patients median age 70 years quartiles.
Join the nyc, boston, and philadelphia scala meetups in brooklyn, march 1214, 2020, to celebrate 10 years of ne scala. National institutes of health stroke scale wikipedia. The nihss is composed of 11 items, each of which scores a specific ability between a 0 and 4. All the patients with a nihss score equal or higher 16 had a wrong outcome. Escala neurologica nihhs national institute of health stroke scale 1. Descargue como pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Loc questions ask patient the month and herhis age 0.
Escalas neurologicas en patologia vascular cerebral. Proceedings of 6th international and 11th national congress of clinical psychology isbn. Fmup national institute of health stroke scale nihss. Foi desenvolvida por pesquisadores americanos university of cincinnati stroke center. These results suggest that the portuguese version of the rs, bi and the nihss present adequate reliability. The nihss score correlates with clinical outcomes21, 25, 28 and has a formal. After the statistical analysis, a score higher had an odds ratio 49. Baixe no formato pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd. The national institutes of health stroke scale nihss a national institute of health stroke scale nihss e uma escala padrao, validada, segura, quantitativa da severidade e magnitude do deficit neurologico apos o acidente vascular cerebral avc15. Escala nihss national institute of health stroke score. The national institutes of health stroke scale, or nih stroke scale nihss is a tool used by healthcare providers to objectively quantify the impairment caused by a stroke. Not alert, requires repeated stimulation to attend 3.
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